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Showing posts from April, 2009

Twins, it's what's in...

Right after Rhiannon turned two, Jake and I planned and became pregnant. At ten weeks (New Year's Eve, to be exact) we discovered not one, but two miscarried fetuses, and I spent weeks hollow and tortured by the idea of my lost babies. Six weeks later, I became pregnant again, again with two fetuses, and only one survived- her name is Morgan. When Lucas came along, I think jake and I were both shocked to realize there was only one baby, and for quite a long time, we thought ourselves finished as breeders. But in October of 2007, we both came to the realization that we were not done, and tried once...and succeeded in getting pregnant a fifth time. At three weeks, my mother called to tell me of a premonitory dream she had, in which I had twins. I scoffed at her vision and assured her it was only one. For weeks, I saw my obgyn and as my stomach began to expand in truly amazingly warped speeds, I hinted that perhaps my mother was a seer after all. The obgyns waved me away when I asked ...
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Twittering,Hunting and Gnawing

Today, I suppose, begins the journey. Months ago, Jake and I laughingly discussed the possibility of moving to a land far, far away... and so suddenly, I have clicked these Ruby slippers and home has become anew. I am sitting at Jake's atronomically large computer in Greensboro,NC, with little else to do. Rhiannon is playing the new DSi behind me, pretending to be immersed in a Sonic game, but secretly plotting a fate worse than death on her impetuous parents. Morgan is lying on a makeshit bed in this furniture-less temporary home, watching Nolan sleep. Lucas is engineering the lastest gadget that is sure to one day be the technological breakthrough of its lifetime. Jake is at his new job, wowing them, and finding the credit he much deserves after a vast wasteland of ingrates and sore losers. I just signed on for a twitter account, after reading that one Barack Obama has one...figuring if it is good enough for him, it is, quite possibly, good enough for me. I am not sure I am cool ...