"I don't know how you do it", they say in a half-admiringly, half-dismissive way, and I wave them off, not out of rudeness but out of a sense of confusion. While many things in my life are far from easy, the things that make people say this phrase are among the easier. So I feel, when I hear this, that I must be missing something. If I were doing all the things I should be doing, would I still be able to accomplish these obviously extraneous tasks? If by making elaborate cupcakes, I am forgetting to clean the disposal, or by spending time with the PTA, am I forgetting to clean behind the stove? I am absurdly guilty on both counts, among many others. I am both envious and curious of those women upon whose floors you may eat, or whose curtains are freshly laundered, and beds always made. I forget the tiny things and they grow. I have long expired salad dressings in my fridge, and an old doctor bill I have forgotten to pay on my desk. My van is a veritable explosion of forbi...